Proven concept
Our self-driving technology, integrated on our shuttle vehicle, has been already sold at 170 units (as of June 30, 2020) worldwide since 2015 and has driven more than 470,000km in any types of environments. Navya Driver® features has benefitted of continuous new developments based on the lessons learnt from operational experience in those various applications.
Awarded technology
Navya won the « Best Endurance & Reliability » and « Best Consumer Experience » awards at the first world challenge organized by the Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) dedicated to the actors specialized in autonomous passenger transportation on limited routes – first mile/last mile – at reduced speed in an urban environment.

Partnering with Navya
From the upgrade of your existing vehicle platform with our self-driving technology to the launch of a turn-key self-driving transportation service for people or goods, we will provide the best solution suited to your specific needs.
Proof of Concept
Innovative projects aiming at testing and demonstrating capabilities of a self-driving service for a given application through the development of a prototype.
Custom commercial applications
This format is dedicated to long-term self-driving services, aiming at equiping vehicle fleets with our “Driven by Navya” self-driving solution.
Autonomization principle
Navya offers a wide range of expertises to accompany its parners in all the phases of the autonomous service development, from customization of the solution provided – hardware and software – to management of product development, commissioning, maintenance and supervision.